
Module Contents


Gets the mean and variance of a collection of datetimes

Parameters:datetimes (iterable(datetime)) – The datetimes to compute the statistics on.
A dictionary containing keys for the mean and variance. The mean is a datetime, and the variance is a
Return type:dict

Gets the mean and variance of a collection of timedeltas

Parameters:timedeltas (iterable(timedelta)) – The timedeltas to compute the statistics on.
Returns:A dictionary containing keys for the mean and variance. both the mean and variance are datetimes.
Return type:dict
class project.TaskSample(duration, earliest_start, latest_finish)

A wrapper for a sample of the derived statistics for a Task


timedelta – The sampled duration of the task


datetime – The sampled earliest start date of the task


datetime – The sampled latest finish date of the task


datetime – The latest start date of the task. Must be set independently of the constructor


datetime – The earliest finish date of the task. Must be set independently of the constructor.

  • duration (timedelta) – The sampled duration of the task
  • earliest_start (datetime) – The sampled earliest start date of the task
  • latest_finish (datetime) – The sampled latest finish date of the task
__init__(duration, earliest_start, latest_finish)

timedelta: The total float of the task. Earliest finish mst be set before calculation.

from_task(task, current_time)

Constructs a TaskSample from a task

  • task (Task) – The task to sample
  • current_time (datetime) – The current datetime used to sample the task

The constructed sample

Return type:


class project.TaskStatistics(latest_start, earliest_finish, total_float)

A container for the relevant derived statistics for a Task


dict – A dict containing the mean and variance of the latest start date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.


dict – A dict containing the mean and variance of the earliest finish date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.


dict – A dict containing the mean and variance of the total float date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.

  • latest_start (dict) – A dict containing the mean and variance of the latest start date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.
  • earliest_finish (dict) – A dict containing the mean and variance of the earliest finish date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.
  • total_float (dict) – A dict containing the mean and variance of the total float date of the task in ‘mean’ and ‘variance’ keys respectively.
__init__(latest_start, earliest_finish, total_float)

Construct a TaskStatistics object from samples

Parameters:samples (iterable(TaskSample)) – The samples to compute the statistics from.
Returns:The constructed TaskStatistics
Return type:TaskStatistics
class project.Project(name, model=None, uid=None, tasks=None, dependencies=None)

A project


This must be an acyclic graph.


str – The name of the project


UUID – The UUID of the project


A model used to predict the duration of tasks from their data

  • name (str) – The name of the project
  • model (optional) – A model used to predict the duration of tasks from their data
  • uid (UUID, optional) – The UUID of the project
  • tasks (iterable(Task), optional) – A collections of Tasks associated with this project
  • dependencies (iterable(dict), optional) – The dependencies associated with the project in the form of dicts of ‘source’ and ‘destination’ keys.
__init__(name, model=None, uid=None, tasks=None, dependencies=None)

Validates the Project meets the requirements to do inference

Checks: * The Project is a directed acyclic graph * Every terminal Task (one without successors) has a latest start date PDF

Raises:InvalidProject – If the project does not conform to the requirements.

list[tuple(Task, Task)]: The dependencies in the project where the first element of the tuple is the source task and the second element of the tuple is the dependent task.


iterable(Task): The tasks of this project


list[DependencySummary]: The dependencies of this project


Gets a task from an id

Parameters:id (UUID) – The UUID of the project to get
Returns:The task with the associated with the id or None if task is not found
Return type:Task|None

Adds a Task to this Project and determines the duration PDF of the task from the model if not previously specified.

Parameters:task (Task) – The Task to add to the project
Adds multiple Tasks to this Project and determines the duration PDF of the task from the model if not
previously specified.
Parameters:tasks (iterable(Task)) – The Task to add to the project
add_dependency(parent, child)

Adds a Task dependency to this Project

  • parent (Task) – The parent task
  • child (Task) – The child task, i.e. the Task which depends on the parent

Adds multiple Task dependencies to this Project

Parameters:dependencies (list[tuple(Task, Task)]) – A list of tuples of Task dependencies in the form of (parent task, child task)
calculate_earliest_finish_times(current_time=None, iterations=1000)

Generates samples of the earliest finish times for each uncompleted node in the project.

  • current_time (datetime) – the time at which to take the samples
  • iterations (int, optional) – The number of samples to generate. Defaults to 1000

[datetime]}: A dictionary of the samples for each task.

Return type:


earliest_finish_sample_func(parents, children, samples, **kwargs)

Generates samples of the latest start times for each uncompleted node in the project.

Parameters:iterations (int, optional) – The number of samples to generate. Defaults to 1000
Returns:[datetime]}: A dictionary of the samples for each task.
Return type:dict{Task
latest_start_sample_func(parents, children, samples, **kwargs)
_get_samples(forward_sample_func=None, backward_sample_func=None, iterations=1000, current_time=None, **kwargs)
calculate_task_statistics(current_time=None, iterations=1000)
recommend_next(current_time=None, constraints=None, iterations=1000, score_func=None, selection_func=None, min_number=1, max_number=1, batch_wait=False, selection_func_arguments=None, **score_func_arguments)

Get the recommended next tasks

  • current_time (datetime, optional) – The current time (in UTC) to query the project. Defaults to the current time.
  • constraints (iterable(callable)) – A list of constraints to apply to the selected tasks. These must be functions which task in two parameters – the project (self) and the set of Tasks under consideration.
  • iterations (int, optional) – The number of iterations to query the project for each considered set of Tasks. Defaults to 1000.
  • score_func (func, optional) – The function used to score the results of a Task set. Defaults to a function which returns a dict containing the mean and precision (inverse variance) of the total float of each task weighted by the Tasks’ deadline weight. The function must take keyword arguments which can be specified as keyword arguments to this function (see score_func_arguments).
  • selection_func (func, optional) – The function used to select which task set is best from the results returned from the score_func. Defaults to a function which scales the total float and precision each between 0 and 1 and sums them according to a weighting parameter (see selection_func_arguments). The function must accept a dict of Task set to score and keyword arguments which can be specified by the selection_func_arguments parameter of this function.
  • min_number (int, optional) – The minimum number of tasks which can can be recommended. Defaults to 1.
  • max_number (int, optional) – The maximum number of tasks which can be recommended. Defaults to 1.
  • batch_wait (bool, optional) – Do all tasks for a proposed tuple of Tasks need to be completed before the next tasks can begin? Defaults to False.
  • selection_func_arguments (dict, optional) – The arguments to be passed to the selection_func.
  • **score_func_arguments – The arguments to pass to the score_func

The recommended tasks to complete next

Return type:


recommendation_sample_func(parents, children, samples, **kwargs)

Gets the starting tasks (ones without predecessors) and terminal tasks (ones without successors)

The starting and terminal tasks in the form of
(starting tasks, terminal tasks)
Return type:tuple(list[Task], list[Task])

Updates the Project using a dictionary of new values

Parameters:data (dict) – The new values
from_dict(data_in, model)

Constructs a Project from a dictionary of values and a model

  • data_in (dict) – The data to construct the Project from
  • model – The model used to predict the durations of tasks

The constructed project

Return type:
