
Module Contents

class task.Entity(uid=None, name="")

Base class for entities which provides a UUID and a hashability to the child classes


UUID – The UUID of the object


str – The name of the object

  • uid (UUID, optional) – The UUID of the object
  • name (str, optional) – The name of the object
__init__(uid=None, name="")
class task.Task(name, uid=None, project_uid=None, duration_pdf=None, earliest_start_date_pdf=None, latest_finish_date_pdf=None, data=None, deadline_weight=1)

A task in the project or overall process


UUID – The UUID of the project containing this task


projectpredict.pdf.DurationPdf – A pdf to use to sample the duration of the task


projectpredict.pdf.DatePdf – A pdf to use to sample the earliest start date of of the task


projectpredict.pdf.DatePdf – A pdf to use to sample the latest finish date of the task


datetime – The datetime the task was started


datetime – The datetime the task was completed


Any data associated with this task.


The weight attached to the deadline for this task.

  • name (str) – The name of the task
  • uid (UUID, optional) – The UUID of the task. If none is provided, one will be generated.
  • project_uid (UUID, optional) – The UUID of the project containing this task
  • duration_pdf (projectpredict.pdf.DurationPdf) – A pdf to use to sample the duration of the task
  • earliest_start_date_pdf (DatePdf, optional) – A pdf to use to sample the earliest start date of of the task
  • latest_finish_date_pdf (DatePdf, optional) – A pdf to use to sample the latest finish date of the task
  • data (optional) – Any data associated with this task.
  • deadline_weight (int, optional) – The weight attached to meeting this task’s deadline
__init__(name, uid=None, project_uid=None, duration_pdf=None, earliest_start_date_pdf=None, latest_finish_date_pdf=None, data=None, deadline_weight=1)

Marks the task as started

Parameters:start_time (datetime, optional) – The datetime the task was started. Defaults to the current UTC timestamp

Completes the task

Parameters:completion_time (datetime, optional) – The datetime the task was completed. Defaults to the current UTC timestamp

bool: Is the task completed?


bool: Has the task been started?


timedelta: Gets the mean of the duration pdf


Sets the duration PDF from a model

Parameters:model – The model to use to predict the duration of the task
set_earliest_start_pdf(mean_datetime, std, units=None)

Sets the earliest start date pdf as a normal distributirequired=Trueon about a mean date.

  • mean_datetime (datetime) – The mean datetime of the earliest time a task can start
  • std (float) – The standard deviation of the distribution
  • units (TimeUnits, optional) – The units of time of the variance. Defaults to TimeUnits.seconds
set_latest_finish_pdf(mean_datetime, std, units=None)

Sets the latest finish date pdf as a normal distribution about a mean date.

  • mean_datetime (datetime) – The mean datetime of the latest time a task can finish
  • std (float) – The standard deviation of the distribution
  • units (TimeUnits, optional) – The units of time of the variance. Defaults to TimeUnits.seconds

Gets a sample of the duration.

If the task has already started, then only durations greater than current_time - start_time will be valid, and samples will be drawn until a valid duration is picked.

Parameters:current_time (datetime) – The current time at which the sample should be drawn from.
Returns:A sample of the duration pdf
Return type:timedelta

Gets a sample of the earliest start date pdf

If a task has been started, this will always return the start time. Else if an earliest start date pdf has been provided, a sample is drawn from that distribution. If no distribution has ben provided, the current time is returned.

Parameters:current_time (datetime) – The current time at which the sample should be drawn from.
Returns:A sample from the earliest start date pdf.
Return type:datetime

Gets a sample of the latest finish date pdf

If an latest finish date pdf has been provided, a sample is drawn from that distribution. else, this function will return None

Returns:A sample from the latest start date pdf
Return type:datetime
from_pert(name, best_case, estimated, worst_case, units=None, **kwargs)

Constructs a Task from three-point (PERT) estimations.

  • name (str) – The name of the task
  • best_case (float) – The estimated best case duration of the task
  • estimated (float) – The estimated duration of the task
  • worst_case (float) – The estimated worst case duration of the task
  • units (TimeUnits, optional) – The units of time used in the estimation. Defaults to TimeUnits.seconds
  • **kwargs – Arguments to be passed into Task constructor

A task constructed from the provided arguments

Return type:
